SATbill implementations are different for each customer but typically include preparation, installation, configuration, data migration, training, testing and handover. The key to a successful implementation is to prepare and plan for it. Guidance for this is provided in the form of an implementation guide, which will help you through the process. The preparation and installation work is done remotely and the configuration, data migration, training, testing and handover is undertaken at your premises.

Preparation And Installation
This phase involves the preparation of the infrastructure that SATbill will run on, the installation of the software and the cleaning of your data. The implementation guide contains all the information that you need to prepare the server and client machines, the backup and the network. If you intend to use a cloud platform then you can get all this done for you by your platform provider. Before installing SATbill, you will need to install the 4D software that it runs on, both for the server and the client. You also need to ‘clean’ the information in your existing system before we migrate it to SATbill. This will avoid importing information into SATbill that relates to customers or equipment that are no longer being invoiced.
SATbill can be configured to your own specific needs via a number of built-in configuration screens. The configuration of SATbill typically includes the following areas:
• Localisation
• File Locations
• Services and Providers
• Financial Control
• Billing and Invoice Control
• Email Server
• Users and Groups
Data Migration
Data migration typically includes the import of customers, installations and equipment information from your existing billing system into SATbill. Information is first exported into 3 predefined spreadsheets and then imported using SATbill’s built-in routines. SATbill is then further configured with all your pricing plans and contracts.

The SATbill training takes four days to complete and covers topics for both the core users and the system administrators. During the training course, you’ll learn how to use, edit and manage the system and understand why changes are necessary as you continue to use SATbill.
Testing And Handover
Once all the data-loading has been completed and all the call plans and agreements have been created we will then attempt a draft billing run for you. Before we do this, we load in 2-months’ worth of CDR files and deal with any mediation errors that occur. Once all mediation errors have been cleared, the draft billing can be run. This will produce draft invoices for each customer, vessel, agreement or item. These draft invoices will be compared with the actual invoices as issued that month and any discrepancy investigated and the data corrected as necessary. The draft billing run can be triggered as many times as necessary in order to achieve the correct comparison with the old billing system. Once you are satisfied that the draft invoices are correct, then the final billing run will be initiated and the final documents created. Again, these can be compared with the documents produced for the same month from your old billing system. We will then load in the previous month’s CDR files and repeat the process.
When all the testing has been done and the user acceptance criteria has been met, then the handover will be complete, and your annual support and maintenance period will start.

Invoices generated

Providers covered

Terminals/SIMs handled

Revenue generated for customers

Different countries
Download Our FREE Ultimate Guide to Satellite Airtime Billing
We have put together a helpful overview aimed at satellite service providers looking to improve their billing processes and systems. Get your copy today.

Client Testimonials

SATbill has been an incredibly useful tool for our Airtime business allowing us better visibility, control and reducing the complete airtime process.

Airtime Manager

Ooi Chee Kong
Sales Operations Manager

Gaetano Volpe
Airtime Manager

Airtime Manager

SATbill has been an incredibly useful tool for our Airtime business allowing us better visibility, control and reducing the complete airtime process.

Dounia Gnaou
Financial Manager

Managing Director
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